Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Scar Help?

I have seriously 12 scars on my legs. I went the other day to buy scar removal lotion, but it costs too much for me to buy constantly for my legs. I was wondering if anyone knew a home remedy or something to help me with this issue.Scar Help?
There's rosehip seed oil, also called rose mosqueta. It's something my daughter has used for years for scars. It's best to use when the injury is still healing, but it does work even after it's healed. It can be purchased in small roll-on bottles, under the Aubrey Organics brand-name, but I think the price that way is outrageously expensive. One place to get it at a very good price is here:
Though many people swear by Vitamin E, I think this is better. The bottles are at least four ounces and you can buy larger. Four ounces will be $10.50 plus shipping through this particular vendor. If you don't think you'll use a bottle within 12-18 months, store the oil in the refrigerator to extend the shelf life.
If you buy oils to put on yourself, they get absorbed through the skin. Organic and cold-pressed is best. There's no need to put solvents into your body along with the oil.
I also suggest using an alpha-hydroxy acid-containing lotion or similar for your legs. That will help the skin cells to turn over so new ones will be created faster. Using one thing in the morning and the other at night should help your skin be smoother soon.
vitamin e is the best thing i've tried. and it's pretty cheap considering. also, if they are serious, sometimes the best things are laser treatments or prescriptive topicals.
Putting lemon juice on it will help even out the scars so they will become pail and match your skin tone
Hope I helped Cali

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