Saturday, October 23, 2010

PLZ family and I moved North from FL 4 years ago & every single winter we ALL get so sick! Is this?

what all my winters are going to be like? I think there is a mold or something that we can't see within our home making us sick but everybody I tell thinks I am silly and all the professionals just walk through the house and hand you a crazy estimate to look any further....what do I do? I have the air ducts cleaned every fall, just before we may have to turn on the heat. Please, anyone out there have ANYTHING similar happen with them? I cannot take yet another winter like this. This week everyone has crazy fatigue!! And I really thought about this and it is NOT home-sickness, as in me wanting to be back in FL (whether I really wanted it or not even). Maybe I am silly but my gut never lies and something just isn't right come winter time.PLZ family and I moved North from FL 4 years ago & every single winter we ALL get so sick! Is this?
A lot of people get sick in the winter. It's called the cold and flu season. It happens mainly because people tend to stay indoors in the winter keeping them in close contact with others which spreads germs quickly. Also the lack of sunlight and fresh air can bring down a person's immune system. Try to wash hands frequently and go outside as much as possible. If you want you can try taking a multivitamin, it seems to help some people. I have lived in Minnesota all my life and almost everyone I know gets sick at least once in the winter. It's just a part of life. Get used to it.
welcome to the wonderful north, now all ou sun bathers know how us up north feel
when you are born up north (i'm in minnesota) you get used to the cold, and winter type germs. your body knows how to fight those bacteria. your family is simply not used to it, i believe.
also, the cold can be making you tired. really, i do think it will just take some time for yourbody to adjust. the lack of daylight could be a factor.

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