Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Quick survey for smokers age 25 and under. (just need quick one word answers)?

For one of my classes I need a little bit of feedback from some smokers.
1. Male or female?
2. Your age?
3. What brand of tobacco products do you smoke?
4. How much do you typically spend on tobacco products in a week?
5. Have you ever tried to quit?Quick survey for smokers age 25 and under. (just need quick one word answers)?
3.Marlboro Reds
Salem Black Label-Full Flavor
7-10 $
1. Female
2. 25
3. Camel
4. $30.00 :(
5. Yes.(again :( it is really hard. )
Hope it helps.
1) Female
3) Peter Jackson
4) 30-40 dollars
5) Yes. I quit for a year and 1 month. But when I met my boyfriend he smoked and the temptation was just too much.
1. Female
2. 20
3. Benson, Newport
4. Where I live $5 bucks a week.
5. Yes.
1. Female
2. 18
3. Newport
4. $5-$7 (I buy a dollar worth almost everyday; which is about three cigs a day)
5. Nope

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