Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Red dot in eye... help!?

This morning I put my contacts in and all was fine. When I got home I decided to take them out, and there was a red dot in my right eye that looks like there is a little bit of blood inside. What is this and is it dangerous? Should I be worried? Should I see my eye doctor?Red dot in eye... help!?
Thus far,you have 2 answers that are exactlly correct.
Be careful when you put your contacts in. If you have long fingernails you could have accidentally scrapped your conjunctivia(thin layer over the white of your eye where the vessels are).
Be careful getting wind/dirt in your eyes because you could be rubbing your eye and a speck of dirt scratched your eye.
Straining when using the bathroom can cause thin vessels to break like this.
Coughing alot when you have a cold can also cause a thin vessel to break.
Uncontrolled blood pressure is definately a possibility as well though if you are as young as I feel that you are,this is probably not your problem.
Straining when lifting heavy objects can do this as well.
Watch it for a few days and before you know it,it will be gone and if not then make yourself feel better and see your eye doctor.
Sometimes my eyes are like that.
You had a little blood vessel bleed...cause, I'm not sure about. If it doesn't absorb in a few days, check it out with your eye doctor.
could be an idea to go to the eye doctor if the dot hangs around,..
otherwise sounds like its just a blood vessel . they are easy to get , people even get them whilst dreaming.
they are common and are nothing to worry about,
if its there and causing you irritation, then get someone to see to it !

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